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Hard Questions? Real Answers!


Authors: Greg Palmer & Phil Shaw.

300 pages soft cover.

Published by The Christadelphian October 2021.

 In an age when the very existence of God is doubted, it is no surprise that the reliability of the Bible, which claims to be His word, is questioned. For Bible believers there is ample evidence to support its claims; although it contains statements and incidents that can be difficult to understand.

The book has Bible-based answers for 85 challenging questions about life, faith, and other aspects of godly living. The table of contents is well laid out to help the reader quickly find where a question may be dealt with. This is complemented by a 9 page scripture index. which also provides a useful navigation tool.

 By way of example one of the questions "Must I Belong to an Ecclesia?" has the answer printed on pages 455 - 457 of The Christadelphian magazine for October 2021.