Author: Jason Hensley
Pages: 185, paperback
Christianity and Judaism are two separate religions with two separate approaches to life. Nevertheless, these two religions have often operated in similar spheres, and Christians and Jews have interacted over the centuries. Tragically, even in more modern times, this interaction often culminated in Christian assaults on Jewish communities and forced conversions to Christianity.
But this Christian anti-Judaism did not always exist. Originally, Christianity shared its history with Judaism. The first Christians were all Jews. The first Christians used the Jewish Scriptures as their sacred text. The first Christians continued to worship at the Temple in Jerusalem. Over the centuries, Christianity regrettably strayed from its mores and forgot its connection to the Jewish community. This book reconsiders Christianity's Jewish roots. In doing so, it asserts that Christians, despite their doctrinal disagreements with Jews, are to see Jews as part of their own spiritual family. Christianity and Judaism, rather than two religions, are one family.